Leisure Suit Larry Omnipedia Wiki
7-3 Wydoncha and Nailme Jugg

Nailmi Jugg is the mother of Wydoncha Jugg and one half of the mother-daughter country western singing duo The Juggs.


Larry encounters Nailmi and Wydoncha in a hot tub on the cruise ship. They all introduce themselves, and Larry realizes the pair are famous. Larry is confused to which Jugg is the mother, which flatters Nailmi. She says she had Wydoncha on her first ovulation. During their conversation with Larry, Nailmi frequently tells Wydoncha to be quiet, due to her blurting out something embarrassing.

Nailmi explains that they weren't planning to perform on the cruise, but their manager insisted. So, the Juggs intend to perform one show for the cruise passengers later that evening. After Wydoncha lets some information slip, Nailmi explains the other reason she and her daughter are on the boat. A month prior, they were putting on a show at a women's prison. They used silicone lubricant to squeeze into their spandex costumes. The stage lighting hitting the lubricant-coated spandex caused a chemical reaction on both of the women, causing "a commotion." After video of the incident was leaked, they decided to take the cruise to get away from the press for a while.

Much later, Nailmi and Wydoncha perform their concert in the lounge. They invite Larry up on stage to perform a song with them, then ask for the stage lights to be turned up. But, prior to this, Larry had switched their spray deodorant with silicone lubricant, and they applied it to themselves before going on stage. Also, Larry tampered with the spotlight, so it produces more heat. The heat from the stage lights cause the chemical reaction again, causing them both to become so sexually aroused, they pounce on Larry and have sex with him on stage in front of the crowd.

Behind the scenes[]

Trigger: In the library, there's a stuffed beaver on one of the bookcases. Click on the beaver, select Other, and type "milk". Payoff: The next time you go to the Juggs' dressing room, they'll be doing their hair... au naturale.

Nailmi Jugg is a parody of real life country singer Naomi Judd.